
DF/RG65 Winter 2024 #4 – 25/1/25

After the recent spell of cold weather and strong winds, today was just the opposite, a pleasant sunny afternoon but unfortunately with a light wind blowing from the top of the lake. One of the start marks had to be moved before the start at 12.00, with the usual course of windward, then spreader and down through the gate and finish half way for the RG’s, with a shorter course for the DFs.

Unfortunately only two 65’s entered so this was a very useful training session for Phyl who has recently joined us radio sailing after many years of big boat sailing. Five RG’s had entered, numbers down due in part to the IOM Northern District Winter series race at Ripon.

Today was always going to be between the two Ivys of John and Bill and so it was with John taking 5 wins to Bill’s four. Alan, Charles and Dave sailing UNO’s were having their own very close racing up to the lunch break with very little between them. During the break Alan decided to change his rig for one he had not used even though it was several years old.

Also, during the break the light wind had started to disappear so we only managed three more races. This was when Alan shocked every one with taking a win a second and third. Thanks to Clive for his tuning tips to Phyl, John Carlin for officiating after lunch break and to Dave Williams for donning the waders, being line judge, scoring and managing to take a few photos. A pleasant afternoons sailing only spoilt by the dying wind, but 10 races held.


  1. John Brierley        11pts 5wins Ivy
  2. Bill Culshaw          14pts 4wins Ivy
  3. Alan Watkinson  23pts 1win Uno
  4. Dave Williams     28pts Uno
  5. Charles Legg        33pts Uno


  1. Clive Warren         8pts
  2. Phyl Fanning      16pts

DF/RG65 Winter 2024 #3

The first Birkenhead race of the New Year was for RG65 sailors and at the start held with as much water on the banks as in the lake.

The first job was to unblock the drain weir and then decide on a course. There was a slight reluctance to don the waders and move marks ude to the depth of water lapping over the path. Neil arrived and took on the RO’s position and due to the very light wind sorted a short course, sailing from half way up the far bank to a starboard rounding of the windward mark at the Clubhouse end across to a spreader mark, then downwind to a starboard rounding of the outer start mark which had been positioned by a good throw from John B. We sailed two laps and had a downwind finish.

Racing started at 12.00pm but unfortunately Charles was unable to compete due to the depth of water on the pathway likely to affect his wheel chair. The starts were very close with a couple of general recalls, the first race set the pattern for most races with Alan Bennett and John Brierley having very close races with Alan on top but unable to shake of John, both sailing very closely matched Ivy’s.

The other trio sailing Uno’s were also very close most of the time with George just finding the extra speed on the final leg. Due to Alan B and John match racing most of the time, they missed out when Dave and George caught them unaware’s in two races stealing a win each.

Thanks must go to Neil for keeping the racing going with twelve races, even though at times the wind died altogether, and thanks also to Dave for the creating the final results sheet.  Unfotunately we have no photos to share of the racing this week and so a stock photo has had to suffice.

  1. Alan Bennett         Ivy 13pts 8wins
  2. John Brierley        Ivy  19pts 2wins
  3. George Bennett   Uno 33pts 1win
  4. Dave Williams      Uno 34pts 1win
  5. Alan Watkinson   Uno 42pts

RG65 TT Round 9 – 27/10/24

Once again the breeze hardly failed to materialise all day and when it did it was never stable in direction for more than 30 seconds.  Primarily from over the houses, it proved troublesome to decide on an appropriate course to setup, with the Southern Bank in the Lee of the houses.  We therefore ended up with courses that were often a fetch followed by a reach back, although that could be a run followed in quick succession by another fetch.

As is usually the case, the cream rose to the top with Graham Elliott (Electronica) winning five races, Tobi Laux and Alan Bennett two each and John Brierley one.  After Graham, the next four boats were all Ivy designs followed by two Uno’s.

At the prizegiving, Graham thanked everyone for coming and the Race Team of Paul and Sharon Plested, Malcolm Harvey and Neil Westbrook along with Chris having another stint in the galley.

The photos from Malcolm don’t seem to show much wind, but there was some at times, but perhaps in the excitement and being absorbed in the racing Malcolm forgot to take photos with wind!

RG65 TT Round 8 – 26/10/24

The day started with little or no breeze as competitors arrived along with some mist drifting across the water.  However, by the time of the first start, a light breeze had filled in from the clubhouse end.

Tobi Laux stamped his mark from the start with two early wins, before Peter Baldwin managed to catch the right shifts and take the win in Race 3.  Martin Roberts then was the winner in Race 4 before a break was taken in racing.

After the break, another 3 races were sailed before lunch, with wins for John Brierley, Graham Elliott and another for Martin.  Lunch was earlier than expected at this point as the breeze seemed to be swinging more towards the West but had also dropped.

As is often the case, the breeze confounded us and after lunch we had another three races using the original course before another drinks break and allow for the course to be reset.  Winners in this session were Graham, followed by Dorian Crease and then Tobi with his third win.

We were then into the final session, with a revised course starting at the clubhouse end.  The wind was primarily from the SW, but could easily come from the West or South at any time along with big lulls.  The winners in this final session were Martin (twice) and John Tushingham.

So the final results saw Tobi with a good win by 10 points from Graham and then Martin picking up third place.

Thanks to our RO John Carlin assisted by Malcolm Harvey and Neil Westbrook and for Chris who kept us “fed and watered” in the galley.

Round9 takes place tomorrow.



DF/RG65 Summer Series 2024 #8 – 28/9/24

Our 1.00pm start was delayed due to a heavy downpour. Only five sailors were taking part due to the IOM ranking race at Chelmsford. The light wind from the top end of the lake varied from straight down to over the houses, sudden gusts and zero wind_ Typical Birkenhead.

Alan Bennett sailing his Ivy took all but one of the races with son George taking the other. Although Alan appeared to win easily he did have some very close competition from Alan W and Charles. George, sailing a new to him Uno, mastered the conditions with ease and put in some very good starts taking six second places. The rest of the fleet were having close racing with some of the finishes inches between the three boats, Alan losing places by stalling just before the finish allowing Charles and Dave to sneak in a couple of times.

Twelve one lap races were held.

Alan Bennett           Ivy     10pts 11wins
George Bennett      Uno   26pts 1win
Alan Watkinson     Uno   29pts
Dave Williams        Uno   34pts
Charles Legg           Uno   49pts