
DF65 Social Racing 2022 #2 (12/1/22)

18 sailors arrived expecting a decent wind, but it was not to be until the last few races. Malcolm our OD set us off on a course using all the marks on the lake which was interesting, but unfortunately took 30 mins to complete. In addition, during this race the wind direction unfortunately changed 180 degrees making it very difficult to identify positions on the finish line.

A series of short races followed, making it then possible to manage 9 races. Thanks again to Malcolm running the races under difficult conditions.

  1. Richard Robinson    13 pts 3 wins
  2. Mike de St Paer         23 pts. 1 win
  3. James Douglas          30 pts 2 wins
  4. Andrew Potter          30 pts. 1 win
  5. John Carlin                 31 pts
  6. Alan Watkinson       40 pts 2 wins
  7. Richard Walker        44 pts
  8. Neil Westbrook        48 pts
  9. David Williams         49 pts
  10. Don Mackinnon        61 pts
  11. Dan Skinner               65 pts
  12. Stan Metcalf              70 pts
  13. Charles Legg             74 pts
  14. Tony Marsden          81 pts
  15. Barry Baugh              86 pts
  16. Sally Collings          103 pts
  17. John Beech               106 pts
  18. Ken Roscoe.              125 pts