A lovely shifting, gusting wind from the North West, sun out all afternoon and 11 competitors including 1 visitor in Darin Ballington.
After a midday club committee meeting, we commenced sailing at 1pm with the wind strength staying consistent ly throughout the afternoon, right at the top end of ‘A’ rig with a few nose dives thrown in during the stronger gusts.
7 races completed before a 20 minute break and 5 afterwards giving us a total of 12 and therefore 2 discards. Positions changed continuously in every race due to the wind shifts but in the end it was Brad Gibson sailing Victoria’s BritPOP! that ran out the winner with Darin Ballington just 2 points behind and Martin Roberts in 3rd sailing his Vanilla design.
It was great to see 11 IOM’s sailing a club race again, many taking the opportunity to blow the dust off before the Nationals in a few weeks.
Race winners today were, Brad Gibson (5), Darin Ballington (4) and Graham Elliott (3).
Many thanks to Peter for setting the course, Jack for manning the canteen with Dave and Bernie starting and finishing us (with a little help from Jack).
Brad Gibson 62 Britpop! 20pts 5 wins
Darren Ballington 98 Britpop! 22pts 4 wins
Martin Roberts 22 Vanilla 30pts
Graham Elliott 09 Britpop! 31pts 3 wins
Bill Culshaw 21 Britpop! 51pts 3 x 3rds
John Brierley 84 Britpop! 51pts 1 x 3rds
Andrea Roberts 27 Britpop! 54pts
Peter Baldwin 63 Lintel mmx 66pts
Graham Birkett 133 Widget 79pts
Paul Stubbs 91 Widget 87pts
Charles Legg 25 Kantun2 98pts