
Vintage and Open Sailing Day – 22/7/23

Rain stopped play! No, this is not the report on the cricket, but a comment on the Vintage/Open sailing day held on the afternoon of Saturday 22nd July.  Probably because of the weather, which was forecast to be mostly persistent light rain, only two turned up to put boats on the water.

Charles had brought along his 48 inch ‘Canterbury’ J Class, and Andrew an 81 inch ‘A’ Class.  After sitting out the rain for some time, to our surprise another sailor arrived, complete with an IOM of uncertain vintage, which we spent some time sorting out the rig and radio, finally getting her on the water, to the delight of Don – her 91 year old owner.

Charles then decided to rig and sail his ‘weedbeater’ Canterbury J, but it proved too late and problematic to rig and launch Andrew’s A.

Rain stopped play again at about 2.30 pm, so we packed up and set off for home, dampened in clothing, but not in spirit!  The next VMYG/Open Sailing Day is on Saturday 26th August.