Wednesday November 23rd saw the sort of weather conditions that had even the best skippers despairing. We started with near flat calm, a start-line at the clubhouse end of the pond that was heavily biased to port and finished with an eighth race with a storming downwind start. On any single leg, the wind could come from dead astern to dead ahead within the space of a few metres. Between the marks, success seemed to depend on working out whence the wind was blowing and adjusting sails and course accordingly. In all, it was a most testing day. Mike De St. Paer rose above these conditions and came in a well deserved first with ten points, closely followed by James Douglas on 11.
- Mike De St Paer 35 10pts 3 firsts
- James Douglas 53 11pts 3 firsts
- Alan Watkinson 373 17pts 2 firsts
- Clive Warren 73 19pts
- Richard Walker 39 22pts
- John Carlin 11 32pts 1 first
- Andrew Potter 194 34pts
- Charles Legg 21 36pts
- Sally Collings 829 39pts
- Frans King 95 44pts
- John Beech 80 51pts
- Paul Little 45 66pts
Results after 8 Races and 2 discards