Yet another sunny but chilly spring day at Birkenhead, with a very light breeze hardly rippling the water for the first race. RO Andrew Peter set a single lap ¾ length course, with the breeze filling in slightly from the NW. as the morning progressed. Some new faces were welcomed into the DF65 racing fleet, and the competition was very keen throughout, as the closeness of the final points indicates.
A slightly longer course was set for the last two races as the breeze picked up gaving ideal sailing for A+ rigs. 8 races were completed. One ‘no-show’ in the bookings fortunately gave our stand-by sailor the chance to compete, and two ‘guests’ arrived to spectate, Martin Roberts and potential new member Mike Hilton.
As has been the case for the last 3 DF65 Wednesday races, the breeze has filled in towards the end of each session, with ideal steady wind conditions just as we are finishing the days racing. Would a move to a later start time, of say 12.00 noon, perhaps be considered sensible. If you have any thoughts on this subject, please talk to Andrew Peter when you next see him or email him through his details on the Contact page.
- Neil Westbrook 03 11 pts 4 x 1st
- Richard Robinson 01 11 pts 1 x 1st
- David Williams 233 20 pts
- Alan Watkinson 373 22 pts
- Mike De St Paer 35 23 pts
- James Douglas 73 30 pts
- Paul Little 45 33 pts
- Sally Collings 829 41 pts
- Don Mackinnon 933 45 pts
- Charles Legg 21 54 pts
- Stan Metcalfe 46 60 pts
- Malcolm Harvey 1019 61 pts
- Barry Bough 147 62 pts
After 8 races sailed and two discards