
Birkenhead RS&PC is in a Tier 3 Area

The Club is unfortunate to be in a Tier 3 area based upon the latest UK Government classifications for Covid-19 infection levels.  As such, organised outdoor sporting activities may continue and therefore the committee have agreed that organised club events may continue for now using the MYA Guidance and a maximum of 13 sailing as one group.  When not sailing, competitors should always ensure that they do not gather in groups larger than 6.  The clubhouse will be open for access to the toilets or temporary access to equipment stored inside but face coverings should always be worn when inside.

If you live outside of the Liverpool, Halton, Wirral, Knowsley, Sefton and St Helens boroughs, then the guidance recommends that you do not travel into the Birkenhead Tier 3 area.  For the full details of what restrictions apply at each Tier see https://www.gov.uk/guidance/local-covid-alert-levels-what-you-need-to-know

This weeks DF65 Saturday racing will still therefore take place.  Any changes to this ruling will be communicated to members.