
Open Sailing Days 2019

The 2019 season’s  OPEN DAYS  commence this Saturday 18th May.
This is also an open invitation to all members of the Vintage Model Yacht Group to bring along any Pond Yachts and Vintage Racing Yachts to sail on our fabulous lake.
The Clubhouse will open at 12.00 noon, and we usually sail til around 4.00 – 4.30 pm.
THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION TO ALL  –  to  bring along  any  type and size of model yacht, not just radio, but ‘ Free Sailing’  too, or even to just turn up and have a chat and a cup of tea!
This is the first of 5 Open Days for 2019 –  see Club Calendar for further details of dates.
Andrew Peter – Club Captain  and  VMYG  NW Co-ordinator.