The first Birkenhead race of the New Year was for RG65 sailors and at the start held with as much water on the banks as in the lake.
The first job was to unblock the drain weir and then decide on a course. There was a slight reluctance to don the waders and move marks ude to the depth of water lapping over the path. Neil arrived and took on the RO’s position and due to the very light wind sorted a short course, sailing from half way up the far bank to a starboard rounding of the windward mark at the Clubhouse end across to a spreader mark, then downwind to a starboard rounding of the outer start mark which had been positioned by a good throw from John B. We sailed two laps and had a downwind finish.
Racing started at 12.00pm but unfortunately Charles was unable to compete due to the depth of water on the pathway likely to affect his wheel chair. The starts were very close with a couple of general recalls, the first race set the pattern for most races with Alan Bennett and John Brierley having very close races with Alan on top but unable to shake of John, both sailing very closely matched Ivy’s.
The other trio sailing Uno’s were also very close most of the time with George just finding the extra speed on the final leg. Due to Alan B and John match racing most of the time, they missed out when Dave and George caught them unaware’s in two races stealing a win each.
Thanks must go to Neil for keeping the racing going with twelve races, even though at times the wind died altogether, and thanks also to Dave for the creating the final results sheet. Unfotunately we have no photos to share of the racing this week and so a stock photo has had to suffice.
- Alan Bennett Ivy 13pts 8wins
- John Brierley Ivy 19pts 2wins
- George Bennett Uno 33pts 1win
- Dave Williams Uno 34pts 1win
- Alan Watkinson Uno 42pts