10 members arrived to be greeted by a cold top of A+ wind blowing straight down the lake. With each sailor taking turn as RO we managed 9 races! Unfortunately gear failure took Malcolm out after four races.
Our Commodore took the honours with 6 wins and John C with his consistent sailing took second just one point away from Andrew Peter. There were many close races with places gained tacking on the correct shift and keeping above the water on the downwind leg.
- John Brierley 6 pts 6 win
- John Carlin 12 pts 1 win
- Andrew Peter 13 pts 1 win
- Andrew Potter 23 pts
- Dave Williams 24 pts 1 win
- Neil Westbrook 28 pts
- Alan Watkinson 30 pts
- Paul Hounslow 39 pts 2 x 4th
- John Beech 39 pts 0 x 4th
- Malcolm Harvey 68 pts