

Micro Magic Ranking/Open Race at Birkenhead
Sunday 22nd July Sees the Micro Magic class holding a round of their National Ranking series at Birkenhead. Entry is open to all Micro Magic class skippers holding MYA, MM or Club membership. Racing starts from 10am sharp finishing time will be decided on the day. Entries can be made via the Micro Magic forum HERE or through the Club Sailing Secretary via email.


This coming Saturday 14th July has a return to 10R racing at the club. It is good to see numbers returning to this class through some newer members dual rating their Marbleheads after some recent lean years with small fleets. If you are a member who owns a 10R, why not come and join us or look at loaning your boat to one of the many interested parties.


Our Condolences
It is with sadness that we learn of the passing of Eileen Smith, wife of club member Colin. Eileen was a great supporter of Colin’s sailing and was often seen at the lakeside watching him of a Saturday afternoon. Our best wishes are with Colin and family at this time.