A gusty 10-15 knot Easterly wind tested skippers with B rigs and large wind shifts. Racing at the front end was extremely close between the top 5 skippers with 4 different heat winners.
1. Brad Gibson, 13 pts
2. Rob Walsh, 14
3. Richard Hamspon, 23
4. Martin Roberts, 27
5. Victoria McNulty, 27
6. Bill Culshaw, 49
7. Dave Burke, 50
8. Jim Findlay, 61
9. Vernon Gee, 68
10. David Catherall, 80
11. Dave Wayt, 85
Next week sees Birkenhead skippers trekking south to Two Islands, Milton Keynes for the IOM National Championships with a 77 boat boat fleet.
Results will be posted on the official event website HERE.