
RG65 TT 2024 Round 8

Please fill in your name, boat details and contact information and click on “Send Your Booking” to enter.  If at a later date you are unable to sail, please enter your details in the second form and click on  “Cancel your booking”.  The NoR for this event is available here.

Current Entries are:

Name Sail No Design Club MYA#
Peter Baldwin 63 Uno Birkenhead 1221
John Brierley 84 Ivy Birkenhead 242
Dorian Crease 70 Uno Datchet 3940
Bill Culshaw 21 IVY Birkenhead 1342
Chris Elliott 74 Uno Lincoln RSC 1079
Graham Elliott 09 Electronica BRSC 1080
Roger Hopper 18 Ivy Bournville Radio Sailing & MBC 4391
Mike Kemp 37 Scurry Two Islands RYC 3445
Jim La Roche 57 Ivy Coalhouse Fort RYC 3406
Tobias Laux 161 Ivy Woodspring MSC 4226
Martin Roberts 33 Uno Birkenhead 73
John Tushingham 51 Ivy Keighley 32
Liz Tushingham 17 Ivy Keighley 282
Alan Watkinson 24 Uno Birkenhead 1020

Wait List is:

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Please add your Name and Contact details together with you boat details, then submit (or cancel an entry already made)

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.

Cancellations no longer allowed on this date.