
RG65 TT 2022 Round 8 (22/10/22)

This is day 1 of 2 for the 2022 RG65 TT run as two separate days.  The NoR is available here, but racing will start at 10:00 with no race to start after 16:00.  There will be a short break for lunch around 12:30.

Please help us to assess numbers attending by making an entry, completing all information requested in the form below, ensuring that all details are correctly entered so that we can easily contact you with any event information.  A limit of 36 entries has initially been set to maximise sailing time.  Entry fee is only £7, for full details please read the NoR linked above.

Please fill in your name, boat details and contact information etc and click on “Send Your Booking” to enter.  If at a later date you are unable to sail, please enter your details in the second form and click on  “Cancel your booking”. Payment for the entry fee will be taken on the day.

Current Entries are:

Name Sail No Design Club MYA#
Vernon Appleton 73 Britpop Datchet Water Radio Sailing Club 896
Peter Baldwin 63 Uno Birkenhead 1221
John Brierley 84 Uno Birkenhead 242
Dorian Crease 27 T.B.A 2 Islands RYC 3940
Bill Culshaw 09 Electronica Bitkenhead 4231
Christopher Elliott 163 Uno Lincoln RSC 1079
Graham Elliott 9 Argon Birkenhead 1080
Mike Kemp 37 Sith Two Islands RYC 3445
Jim La Roche 57 Manta 17 Coalhouse Fort RYC 3406
Barry Mayer 15 Sith Birmingham MYC 3738
Westbrook Neil 03 Uno Birkenhead 818
Martin Roberts 133 Pocket Rocket Birkenhead 73
Roy Stevens 54 Sledge Scarborough MYC 794
John Tushingham 71 Scurry Keighley 32
Alan Watkinson 23 Uno Birkenhead 1020
David Williams 33 Uno Birkenhead 79

Wait List is:

No responses yet!

Please add your Name and Contact details together with you boat details, then submit (or cancel an entry already made)

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.

Cancellations no longer allowed on this date.