If the event is full, you can put your name on a waiting list by entering as normal and will be contacted as soon as someone cancels their booking. If you are unable to sail, please enter your details in the second form and “Cancel your booking” to allow anyone on the Wait List to enter.
Current Entries are:
Name | Sail No | Design | Club |
Barrie Baugh | 147 | Df 65 | Birkenhead |
Sally Collings | 829 | DF65 | Birkenhead |
Mike De St Paer | 35 | Df65 | Bmyc |
JAMES DOUGLAS | 2173 | df65 | BRSPC (pending) |
Charles Legg | 21 | Df 65 | Birkenhead |
Paul Little | 45 | DF65 | Birkenhead |
Don Mackinnon | 933 | Dragon65 | birkenhead |
Stan Metcalfe | 2146 | Df65 | Birkenhead |
Westbrook Neil | 03 | Df65 | Birkenhead |
Richard Robinson | 01 | DF65 | Birkenhead |
Richard Walker | 39 | Df65 | Birkenhead |
Alan Watkinson | 373 | DF65 | Birkenhead |
David Williams | 233 | DF65 | Birkenhead |
Wait List is:
Name | Sail No | Design | Club |
Malcolm Harvey | 1019 | DF65 | Birkenhead |
Please add your Name and Contact details together with you boat details, then submit (or cancel an entry already made)