
Marbleheads at West Kirby

The weather forecast for West Kirby tomorrow afternoon promises 16 degrees, sunshine and 15-20mph winds. Could it get much better?

There is still time to enter, and non-Birkenhead sailors are welcome, but as this isn’t on our home water, please could you let Bill or Graham know so they are aware of the numbers.

Full details here

Calling all Marblehead Sailors

The club RM racing on 1st July will be held at West Kirby (CH48 3HZ) which as we all know is a fantastic venue.

All MYA members are welcome to attend.

Sailing will start at 11am, Saturday 1st July, and as of 20th June we already have an impressive entry list including the current World Champion, so this is a great tune-up session for the Nationals at Fleetwood a week later.

Please notify either Bill Culshaw or Graham Elliott if you wish to enter.


Dave Potter.
Bill Culshaw.
Vicky Gibson.
Brad Gibson.
Martin Roberts.
John Brierley.
Darren Ballington.
Alan Watkinson.
Peter Baldwin.
Graham Birkett.
Mike Parkington
Tracy Ballington
John Smith
Damian Ackroyd