
DF65 Social Racing 2022 (23/11/22)

Wednesday November 23rd saw the sort of weather conditions that had even the best skippers despairing. We started with near flat calm, a start-line at the clubhouse end of the pond that was heavily biased to port and finished with an eighth race with a storming downwind start. On any single leg, the wind could come from dead astern to dead ahead within the space of a few metres. Between the marks, success seemed to depend on working out whence the wind was blowing and adjusting sails and course accordingly. In all, it was a most testing day. Mike De St. Paer rose above these conditions and came in a well deserved first with ten points, closely followed by James Douglas on 11.

  1. Mike De St Paer                 35         10pts       3 firsts
  2.  James Douglas                  53         11pts       3 firsts
  3. Alan Watkinson              373         17pts       2 firsts
  4. Clive Warren                       73        19pts
  5. Richard Walker                  39       22pts
  6. John Carlin                           11        32pts      1 first
  7.  Andrew Potter                 194       34pts
  8. Charles Legg                       21        36pts
  9. Sally Collings                   829       39pts
  10. Frans King                           95       44pts
  11. John Beech                          80       51pts
  12. Paul Little                            45       66pts

Results after 8 Races and 2 discards