
DragonForce Spring Series #13 26/6/19

  1. A light breeze from the clubhouse greeted sailors this week with shifts that seem to grow larger as the morning went on as the breeze dropped in strength.  Key to success was finding the breeze (and having a bit of luck) to keep your boat moving as much as possible.  John Brierley, Neil Westbrook and Peter Baldwin were all vying for the lead in most races, with each sharing 3 wins apiece at the end.  Dave Williams was the other winner of the 10 races completed. When the scores were added up, Peter was first on  14pts, John second on 16 pts and Neil third on 18 pts.

Thanks again go to Ernie for acting as Race Officer for the morning.

  1.  Peter Baldwin               14 pts
  2.  John Brierley                 16 pts
  3.  Neil Westbrook             18 pts
  4.  Alan Watkinson           28 pts
  5.  Kris Morrow                  38 pts
  6.  Dave Williams              39 pts
  7.  Colin Deakin                  52 pts
  8.  Richard Walker            53 pts
  9.  Chris Weston                 70 pts

10 races sailed